Random Thoughts on a Journey

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Journey.”

One of my favourite quotes is by the well known travel writer, Paul Theroux – “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they are going”  It’s all about the journey whether that be in the travel sense or in life.  There are times when I sit and ponder on where life is taking me and I wonder at the turn of events.  They say that everything happens for a reason but many times we don’t know why.  I have had cause to seriously question fate and the lessons we have to learn.

Let me begin by saying I have been a traveller since a very young age.  Travelling the world has been part of my life since the age of 2 years and travelling through the vagaries of life is always there, in all of us.  Life is a journey.

Not long ago I embarked on another journey with my husband – to Africa.  It is often said that Africa weaves its way into your soul like nowhere else on earth.  It is certainly true for us and we have visited the continent several times in the past decade.  We loved it.  I use the past tense because now I am not sure if we will ever return.

Our wonderful holiday turned into a nightmare which grew worse day by day until fate decided that maybe we had endured enough and it was time to go home.  Today I am sitting at my desk looking at a calm and sparkling sea.  The sky is clear and blue.  Everything is calm and serene and I know I am lucky to be living in this peaceful part of the world far from recent events which have terrorised Europe and the world.  However, I cannot think of Africa in such light again and now know that we were meant to be on that particular journey for a reason – which I have yet to figure out.

Mother and baby

10 thoughts on “Random Thoughts on a Journey

  1. How bizarre! I was looking at the responses to the DP Journey, and the first blog I clicked on was a photo of elephants as the response (https://bureaucracyofanarchy.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/daily-prompt-journey/#comments). The second blog is this one and there are more elephants! :-). This blog, however, has a bit of a story (well written, I might add) so this experience in response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: Journey, seems like a journey in itself. 🙂 Regards, eLFy

  2. Love this post. You are so right, it is all about the journey. This is the reason why I travel – to explore new lands, people and culture and not just learning about them but also about myself along the way. Can’t wait to read more.

  3. I have been a traveler myself all my life. Moved 3000 miles across the ocean and started a new life in the US. Traveled the word, got paid for doing so and had a ball. Africa in particular is -and always will be- very dear to my heart. Thank you for your post.

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